Returning Student Registration Information
Each Spring, parents/guardians receive an email from District 45 that provides a secure login code to PowerSchool Registration (formerly Infosnap). Using that code, you will review the information that has been stored from the previous enrollment, and also have the opportunity to make additions or changes as needed. Important note: It is not necessary to pay your fees at the time of registration. This can be done at a later date.
All parents who have students entering 3rd grade and 6th grade are required to demonstrate proof of residency.
The District has contracted with a third-party vendor to verify student address information automatically. The vendor uses a parent’s name and address to crosscheck the information against other electronic databases, such as utility companies. The overwhelming majority of our families have been verified electronically. If your residency was electronically verified, you received a letter of confirmation and there is no need to submit any additional paperwork to certify that you live within the District’s boundaries.
A letter has also been sent to families whose residency we were unable to verify electronically. The letter includes details on additional information you will need to provide to register your child for the upcoming school year.
Verifying residency protects taxpayers and District resources by identifying non-residents attending District 45 schools. Illinois law mandates that parents demonstrate residency prior to enrollment in school and allows periodic verification to validate compliance with the law.