2025-26 Kindergarten Registration Information
If you are unsure which school your child(ren) will attend, please see the district boundary map.
Kindergarten Registration for 2025-26 begins Monday, February 24, 2025. To register your child for Kindergarten, your child must be five (5) years old on or before September 1, 2025. Below is an outline of the registration process.
Step 1: Secure Required Proof of Residency
To register your child for Kindergarten, you will need the following items:
- Original birth certificate for your child
- Proof of residency
The proof of residency has three categories, and one document from each is required:
Category 1 requires either a Driver’s License or State Photo ID (with current address)
Category 2 requires either a real estate tax bill or mortgage statement if you own your home or a signed current lease if you rent.
Category 3 requires either a utility bill, an automobile registration, or a public aid card (with current address)
Step 2: Contact the school where your child will be enrolled for more information and to schedule a time to submit your registration documents.
Beginning February 24, you may contact the school where your child will be enrolled for more information and to schedule a time to submit your documents. You do not need to pay your fees at the time of registration. This can be done at a later date. Daytime hours are available Monday-Friday. In addition, a special evening session is planned from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at the following schools:
Ardmore: Thursday, March 13 | (630) 516-7370
North: Tuesday, March 11 | (630) 516-7790
Schafer: Wednesday, March 12 | (630) 516-6500
Stevenson: Monday, March 10 | (630) 516-7780
Westmore: Tuesday, March 11 | (630) 516-7500
D45 Schools