The Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. Board members consist of business, community and educational leaders who share a deep commitment to academic excellence. The Foundation operates independently of the District 45 Board of Education. The District 45 Foundation recently joined Districts 4, 48, and 88 to form the Partnership for Inspired Education (PIE) Foundation, giving it a greater opportunity to engage the community as they serve the students through the District 45 Foundation and PIE.
Donate to the D45 Foundation.
Funds go directly to our schools, helping to fund grants that support programs and projects that don’t fall within District 45’s operating budget. You can donate online using the online donation portal or send a check to School District 45 Central Office at the address below. Checks should be made out to the D45 Foundation For Excellence.
D45 Foundation For Excellence | 255 W. Vermont St. | Villa Park, IL 60181