The PTA Council and D45 Elementary School Art Teachers proudly present the 2022 Virtual Art Show, a collection of artwork from elementary students throughout District 45. Artwork for the Art Show was created during the 2021-22 school year. Teachers had the difficult task of choosing only a portion of the wonderful art created at their schools. In choosing selections for the Show, they looked for good craftsmanship and artworks that showed original ideas and the use of skills taught in the art room. We are proud of all of our student artists. Thank you for supporting the arts in District 45!
Special thanks to all our D45 elementary school art teachers, Mrs. Allan, Ms. Fritsche, Mrs. Mascheri, Mrs. Meyer, and Mrs. Nikische. Thanks to all the students who created artwork this year and spent a great deal of time expressing themselves through art. We look forward to the next art show to be in person in early 2023!