Criteria for Early Entrance to Grade 1
Please note that students who will not turn 6 by September 1 but who did attend private kindergarten are not automatically placed in Grade 1 upon enrollment in District 45. Students are required to have been taught by a certified teacher in their non-public preschool program.
Children eligible for Early Admission to First Grade must score a Total Achievement Composite of at least 130 (Extremely High) on the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test 4th edition.
This includes subtests in the areas of:
- Word Reading
- Reading Comprehension
- Spelling
- Alphabet Writing Fluency
- Math Problem Solving
- Numerical Operations
- Listening Comprehension
- Oral Expression
- Phonemic Proficiency
Children with a first language of Spanish will be assessed using the Batería IV Woodcock-Muñoz. Children eligible for Early Admission to First Grade must score an Academic Skills Composite and Academic Applications Composite of at least 130 (Extremely High) on the Batería IV Woodcock-Muñoz.
This includes subtests in the areas of:
- Identificación de letras y palabras/word reading
- Analisis de palabras/word attack
- Lectura oral/oral reading
- Fluidez en lectura de frases/sentence reading fluency
- Comprensión de textos/reading comprehension
- Rememoración de lectura/reading recall
- Problemas aplicados/applied math
- Calculo/math calculations
- Fluidez en datos matematicos/math fact fluency
- Numeros matrices/number matrices
- Expresión de lenguaje escrito/written language
- Ortografia/spelling
- Fluidez en escritura de frases/sentence writing fluency
- Oral Language battery, including listening comprehension and oral comprehension
This assessment will be administered by a District 45 staff member and reviewed by an evaluation team, including district and school-based professionals.
Related Board of Education Policy
6:135 Accelerated Placement Program
7:50 School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From non-District Schools