On November 15, School District 45 joined districts across the state in recognizing “School Board Members Day” in Illinois. At its November 14 meeting, the Board of Education was treated to a student video presentation and a vocal performance from Jackson Middle School students under the direction of vocal music teacher Ms. Sarah Giordano.
Shortly after 6 p.m. and prior to the start of the meeting, Jackson’s Concert Choir arrived and quietly slipped into Jefferson Middle School, where the Board of Education meeting was scheduled to take place.
They quickly made their way to a classroom, and after a brief warm-up, Ms. Giordano led the students to the Jefferson Cafeteria, where the meeting took place.
Students wore their black choir day t-shirts, and each carried their own music in a choir binder. Ms. Giordano addressed the Board.
“We are so excited to be here and share the talents of some of our finest students,” said Giordano. “We are so grateful to have a school board who recognizes the importance of the arts in every child’s education.”
With Giordano accompanying them on the piano, the students performed the song “This Is Why We Sing” for the Board.
After the performance, the Concert Choir students took a picture with the Board of Education.
“Thank you, guys, so much for being here, and your parents for bringing you,” said Board of Education President Judy Degnan. “This is such a nice celebration. Thank you for honoring us tonight.”