At its May 15 meeting, the District 45 Board of Education recognized Rich Kuban, Dawn Peterson, David Slinn, and Angie Turner for their years of volunteer leadership and commitment as Officers for the District 45 PTA Council.
Superintendent Dr. Tony Palmisano thanked the four officers for all they have done over the years. He cited the District 45 Art Show, the 5K Fun Run in memory of Bonnie Scahill, and the annual STEM Day event as examples of how the PTA Council has contributed to the District’s success.
“Collaboration is the key to our success, and without your collaboration, we would not have the success that we have,” said Dr. Palmisano. “We cannot do it without you. We rely on our PTAs at every school and the larger PTA Council that comes together, and without the officers pulling it all together into one unified function, we couldn’t do it without you. Thank you so much.”
Dr. Palmisano specifically thanked Rich Kuban for his eight years as President of the PTA Council. “Rich, there are no words to describe how much we appreciate all you have done over the past eight years. As superintendent, I have enjoyed working with you so much.”