Judy Degnan and Carol Klamecki, members of the School District 45 Board of Education, have been recognized by the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB) for their participation in a number of professional development and leadership activities during their service as school board members.
“Our school board members are volunteers for our community and our students. They commit a significant amount of their personal time to ensure a local voice is heard in community education decisions,” said District 45 Superintendent Dr. Tony Palmisano.
IASB recognizes school board members who show a dedication and desire to learn more about local school governance, adding to their leadership skills, knowledge of state and national educational issues, and commitment to serving in the trust of their community and their students.
Degnan and Klamecki each earned “Annual Merit Recognition” through IASB’s Board Leader Recognition Program. The recognition is for school board members who have achieved Distinguished or Legacy designation and earned 40 additional points by attending conferences, workshops, online courses, and other board member activities.
“Our school board members are volunteers for our community and our students. They commit a significant amount of their personal time to ensure a local voice is heard in community education decisions,” said District 45 Superintendent Dr. Tony Palmisano. “Board members make this commitment—not for a paycheck, but to provide high-quality education opportunities for every student in the district.”
IASB initiated the Board Leader Recognition Program both to honor the dedicated work of school board members and to call public attention to the many responsibilities placed on local school boards.
IASB is a voluntary organization of local boards of education dedicated to strengthening public schools through local citizen control. Although not a part of state government, IASB is organized by member school boards as a private, not-for-profit corporation under authority granted by Article 23 of The Illinois School Code.
Learn more about the IASB Board Leader Recognition Program on the Illinois Association of School Boards website.